Human Inability

Human Inability or Total Depravity: All men since the fall of Adam have been born in sin and miss the standard which God had orginally created for man in the beginning. Because all men are sinners, all men miss the mark in meeting God's standards and therefore are out of His purpose for them and all men come into this world contrary to God. Total Depravity does not mean men are as bad as they could be, not meaning all men are Adolph Hitlers' or Idi Amins. Your unsaved grandmother may not be as wicked as Satan himself, but she is in bondage to the same rebellious nature of sin as he is and it affects all parts of her life. Total Depravity or "Original Sin" means that every part of man's being is affected by the nature of sin: body, soul, spirit, and while man may do "good things" at times, he still lives in a nature of sin and is still contrary to God's standard of righteousness and true holiness. Because man is under the bondage of sin as a slave to it, he is totally helpless to deliver hmself from sin's bondage and can only be set free by the power of God in salvation through Jesus Christ. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!

Below are some articles on Total Depravity: I encourage you to not only read the articles but look at and study the scripture verses that support it in the Bible.

Total Depravity

Scriptures on Total Depravity

John Piper on Total Depravity

By Grace Alone -Jim McClarty - Pages 23-36

Human Inability (Total Depravity) - Charles Spurgeon


John Piper on Total Depravity

John Piper on Total Depravity - part 2

John MacArthur on Total Depravity

Total Depravity - Dr. Robert J. Cameron

What is Total Depravity - R.C. Sproul

What is Total Depravity Part 2 - R.C.Sproul

What is Total Depravity Part 3- R.C. Sproul

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